Who Am I and What Are My Methods

About Me

My name is Kačka and I teach Czech for foreigners in Brno.

I believe language lessons are not only about learning a new language, but it is also a great opportunity to meet new people, make friends and, of course, have fun. Learning a new language is always an exciting way to spend your time.

Making mistakes when learning Czech is not only necessary, it is a good sign. Remember - if you are not making mistakes you are not trying hard enough to use the language.

Language is something that needs to be processed, not only memorized. 


What Did I Study

Degrees & Certificates

Online Teaching of Foreign Languages
Digitální lektoři / Digital tutors

Teaching Multilevel Classes
ILC International House Brno

Series of Seminars for Teachers of Czech as a Foreign Language: Didactic Procedures in Teaching Writing and Grammar
Association of Teachers of Czech as a Foreign Language

Online Teaching of Czech for Foreigners
Masaryk University

2014 - 2016
Master's degree in Czech Language and Literature
Masaryk University

2014 - 2016
Master's degree in Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Czech Language and Literature
Masaryk University

Companies I Have Worked with


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